6 Practical Reasons Why You Should Use an EV

As the world starts to feel the effects of global warming, the push for green initiatives such as the use of electric vehicles (EVs) becomes more urgent. For some, the thought of contributing to the global effort to combat climate change is reason enough to convert to EVs, for others, they need more practical reasons for switching.

If you’re someone who’s contemplating an upgrade to EVs but still needs a little more convincing, you’re on the right track. Here are just some reasons why you should go for it:

1. Save Money on Petrol

The perpetual increase in petrol prices can make the act of refuelling a traditional vehicle akin to pouring hard-earned pounds into a seemingly insatiable tank. On the other hand, EV owners experience significant savings, especially with government incentives. Indeed, charging an electric vehicle is notably kinder to the wallet than frequent trips to the petrol pump since it offers a tangible financial benefit for the savvy car owner.

In general, a typical petrol car costs twice as much to fuel than to fully charge an EV. To illustrate, an EV costs only 9p to charge per mile, but a petrol car costs 18p per mile to refuel. In terms of savings, EVs definitely have the upper hand.

2. Support Environmental Initiatives

In a world increasingly attuned to the ecological repercussions of our actions, EV ownership becomes a statement of support for environmental initiatives. By choosing an electric vehicle, owners actively contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and the preservation of our planet.

According to Our World in Data, road travel accounts for 15 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the globe. These include emissions from cars and buses, but not trucks carrying freight. This is a major reason why governments like the UK are pushing for a zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate in the hopes of switching 100 percent of vehicles to EVs by 2035.

3. Government Incentives

Governments worldwide are championing the cause of electric vehicles. They offer a variety of incentives to propel this green transition. From tax credits to rebates, these financial perks sweeten the deal for prospective EV buyers, thereby making the initial investment more palatable.

In the UK, the most successful initiative was the Plug-In Car Grant, which provides a discount on the purchase price of eligible new electric vehicles. The program was started in 2011 and was pulled in 2022. However, the program was given an 18-month extension until March 2023, giving EV buyers up to a 35 percent discount on new vehicles. The Office for Zero Emissions (OZEV), which overlooks this government program, also provides incentives for the installation of EV home charging points, as well as charging points in workplaces.

If you’re in the UK and interested in installing one for your EV, rest assured that many qualified electrical contractors like Elecology are ready and willing to perform an EV home charging point installation that meets all your unique requirements. Whether you need a Myenergi’s Zappi EV charger installation or another top-of-the-line charger, rest assured that we have the expertise and resources necessary to support you.

4. Improved Infrastructure

The concern about EV range and charging accessibility is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The landscape is evolving with an increasing number of public charging stations. In fact, mundane locations like shopping centres and workplaces are being turned into convenient recharging hubs for EV drivers.

In 1 year alone, from November 2022 to November 2023, there were 53,029 electric vehicle charging points across the UK. These were charging stations across 30,853 charging locations all over the country. All these represented a total 46 percent increase in just 1 year. The enhanced infrastructure ensures that EV owners can charge up effortlessly while going about their daily activities.

5. Lower Maintenance Cost

The complexity of the traditional combustion engine makes its maintenance and repair costly for the average vehicle owner. Meanwhile, electric vehicles boast a simplified mechanical structure with fewer moving parts. This translates to reduced maintenance requirements. The lower likelihood of breakdowns and the decreased need for intricate repairs contribute to substantial long-term savings for EV owners.

6. Quiet Operation

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the serene hum of an electric vehicle can be a refreshing change. Traditional vehicles contribute significantly to noise pollution, but EVs offer a quiet and peaceful driving experience. For those who appreciate a calmer commute, the silent operation of an electric vehicle is an advantage.

A typical gasoline engine vehicle produces sound at levels reaching up to 95 decibels (dB). In contrast, electric cars emit an average sound of approximately 50 dB, akin to the volume of a hushed conversation. This reduced decibel level results in a peaceful and less stressful drive for everyone in the vehicle.

In the realm of practicality, upgrading to an electric vehicle transcends the traditional boundaries of car ownership. It's a dynamic choice that aligns with the financial, environmental, and technological currents of the times. Hopefully, this article can give you some insight should you decide to make the switch to EVs.